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  1. Butte Valley Groundwater Advisory Committee

    Consult county counsel on whether advisory committee members need to sign and submit form 700 as part of ... 7 consult county counsel to determine if committee members need to sign and submit form 700 as part of Brown ... contacts: Matt Parker, County of Siskiyou Natural Resources Specialist I ...

    08/30/2024 - 10:59am

  2. Planning Commission Meeting

    Planning Commission Meeting Audio pc2023_0517_agenda.pdf COUNTY OF SISKIYOU COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ... Wessell, Deputy Director PLANNING Hailey Lang, Deputy Director Agenda Siskiyou County Planning Commission ... Order: Siskiyou County Planning Commission Meeting 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of ...

    09/19/2023 - 11:38am

  3. Rural County Representatives of California

    Name Rural County Representatives of California Nickname RCRC How Formed 35 member county service ... Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Alternate Info Menu Settings Five County Coho ...

    06/21/2024 - 4:48pm

  4. Flood Control and Water Conservation District

    quality recreational experiences Tourism Flood Control Flood control commitment comes in the form of ... Camping On August 1, 2017 the Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors passed an amended ordinance, ... Siskiyou – Special Even Permit Siskiyou County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Lake Siskiyou ...

    06/28/2024 - 1:28pm

  5. RFP- Child Welfare County Self-Assessment (CSA), Peer Review, & Self-Improvement Plan (SIP)

    General Liability policy, with edition dates of 1985, 1988, or 1990 or other form satisfactory to County ... . The County will be named as an additional insured using ISO form CG 2010 1185 or the same form with an ... edition date no later than 1990, or in other form satisfactory to County. 5.07 Certificate of Insurance ...

    11/17/2023 - 4:05pm

  6. North Coast Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (North Coast Resource Partnership) Technical Peer Review Committee

    Technical Peer Review Committee Nickname NCIRWMP/NCRP Technical Peer Review Committee How Formed County as ... County + tribal reps Duties & Responsibilities Advisory body to the Policy Review Panel Contact ... Info Block Web Page Alternate Info Menu Settings Five County Coho Plan ...

    06/21/2024 - 4:41pm

  7. RFP- On-Call GIS Services

    or 1990 or other form satisfactory to County. The County will be named as an additional insured using ... The County of Siskiyou, located in Northern California and borders Oregon, is seeking GIS On-Call ... Services to supplement on-going GIS efforts and activities. Siskiyou County currently has one full-time GIS ...

    11/01/2023 - 7:27am

  8. North Coast Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (North Coast Resource Partnership) Policy Review Panel

    Policy Review Panel Nickname NCIRWMP/NCRP Policy Review Panel How Formed County as a member per ... County + Two alternates (water, etc experts) + tribal reps Duties & Responsibilities ...   Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Alternate Info Menu Settings Five County ...

    06/21/2024 - 4:38pm

  9. NorCal CoC Board Agendas

    HUD Interim Rule. Each of the counties participating in the CoC region will be responsible for forming ... Board Agendas merged_siskiyou_adv_board_agenda_5-10-23.pdf Siskiyou County Advisory Board Special ...

    03/04/2024 - 8:27am

  10. Board of Supervisors' Meeting

    County of Siskiyou Board of Supervisors Minutes, April 2, 2024 The Honorable Board of Supervisors of ... Siskiyou County, California, met in regular session this 2nd day of April 2024; there being present ... Supervisors Brandon Criss, Ed Valenzuela, Michael N. Kobseff and Nancy Ogren, County Administrator Angela ...

    04/22/2024 - 10:21am
