Public Health Vending Machine-CareBox

CareBox logoThe SCPH CareBox is a health and wellness supplies vending machine.  The CareBox is a safe and stigma-free option for Siskiyou County residents to access free health and harm-reduction products.

Items available through the CareBox include: Shaving Kits, Hygiene Kits, At-Home COVID-19 tests, Weather Kits (hand warming packets, disposable poncho, emergency blanket), Pregnancy Tests, Menstruation Kits, Safe Sex Kits, Narcan, Fentanyl and Xylazine Testing Strips, First Aid Kits, Foot Care Kits, Socks, Nutritional Shakes, Disposable Washcloths and Oral Health Kits.

*Items depend on the availability of supplies and are subject to change.
CareBox health and wellness supplies vending machine


All Siskiyou County residents are eligible to register for access to supplies.

Locations of Vending Machines

  • Siskiyou County Behavioral Health Lobby
    2060 Campus Drive, Yreka, CA
    (open Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, excluding holidays)
  • Siskiyou County Jail Lobby
    315 S. Oregon St. Yreka, CA
    (open from 6:00 am to 11:00 pm)

Registration Options

Process for Registering/Enrolling

  1. Call or visit one of the registration sites listed above.
  2. Provide your age and zip code.
  3. Create an easy-to-remember, 4-digit Participant Number (this number will be used to dispense products from the machine).