Next Step Intensive Outpatient Treatment for Women


Next Step intensive outpatient treatment is provided to adult (18 or over) substance-using women who are pregnant and/or parenting children the age of 17 and under. “Parenting” includes a woman who is attempting to regain legal custody of her children. In addition, Next Step is also open to all women regardless of past or present parenting status. Preference is given to women who are also eligible for Perinatal Services. Perinatal Services Admission Priority (Regulation 45 CFR 96.131(a)) are any pregnant woman who seeks or is referred for and would benefit from services are given preference in admissions to treatment facilities. Priority admission for all women in perinatal funded services must be given in the flowing order:

  1. Pregnant injection drug users
  2. Pregnant substance users
  3. Parenting injection drug users
  4. Parenting substance users

These services include assessments, providing referral and access to treatment and recovery services, funding for intensive outpatient and residential substance abuse treatment, case management, parenting, and other women-specific services.

Next Step is a 20 week program plus Aftercare.

The Program Includes:

  • Assessment of each client
  • Intensive education about the disease of addiction and its effect on individuals and families
  • Individualized treatment planning and goal setting, and the support and treatment needed to reach those goals
  • Group and individual counseling with case management as needed
  • Parenting Skills Training
  • Grounding in 12-step philosophy
  • Aftercare: Group & Individual Counseling with Case Management