Natural Resources

Natural resources are the life blood of Siskiyou County. Economically, culturally and simply for the joy our beautiful County gives to our daily lives, no one who lives in or visits Siskiyou County is without concern for our environment. Usually, this concern is also associated with deep seated passions and strongly held opinions.

To respond to this challenge, Siskiyou County is one of few counties in the state with staff specifically assigned to natural resource policy. From commercial activity associated with agriculture, forestry, mining, and power generation to recreational activities such as camping, fishing, hunting and sight-seeing, all involve matters of policy.

The County expends considerable effort keeping track of all the information that pertains to natural resource policy and regulation. As can easily be imagined, there is a mountain of data for each issue. It is impossible to post all but the most timely and essential information. Usually, this involves current public notices on key issues, status of current hot topic issues, and key information pertinent to current major County policy-related efforts. Where it can be of significant and substantive help, links or contact information are also provided in the various subsections of this page.

Please Note: Natural resource issues often have a long history associated with them. They are complex and often controversial. Siskiyou County has extensive experience and policy positions associated with our natural resources. The information on these pages are intended to help the public understand and respond to these important County issues.

Joint Press Release - Economic Study