Children's System of Care

Child Therapy Picture

Children’s System of Care (CSOC) provides services to children with severe emotional and behavioral problems. Services include:

  • Therapeutic assessments
  •  Individual and family therapy
  • Case management/rehabilitation services
  • Full service partnerships through the Mental Health Services Act
  • Crisis services
  • Coordination for psychiatric and medication services.

Staff members work collaboratively with schools, Siskiyou Probation, Child Protective Services, and other community members to promote family unity and strengthen community support systems.

Medi-Cal Services for Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT)

EPSDT mental health services are Medi-Cal services that correct or improve medical problems; problems may include but are not limited to sadness, nervousness, or anger that makes one’s life difficult. You must be under age 21 and have full scope Medi-Cal to get these services. Types of EPSDT services include: Individual, group and family therapy, crisis counseling, case management, rehabilitation services/life skills training, Intensive Care Coordination (ICC), Intensive Home Based Services (IHBS) and psychiatric services.

Therapeutic Behavioral Services

Therapeutic Behavioral Services provides help and support to children, youth, and young adults (under age 21) who have challenging behaviors, are having difficulty maintaining their current placement, are being placed in or discharged from a Short Term Residential Treatment Program (STRTP) or have had a psychiatric hospitalization within the past 24 months. A home and community based, short-term, intensive service, TBS is provided for an average of three - six months. Behavioral Health contracts with Remi Vista, Inc. who assigns a trained Therapeutic Behavioral Specialist for an agreed upon number of sessions per week. The Specialist assists the client and caregiver with the development of structure and new learning experiences that promotes mental and behavioral stability, healthy pro-social behavioral and supports the family in gaining new life skills.

Katie A.

Those identified as Katie A. subclass members are provided services outlined in “The Core Practice Model” (CPM). The CPM requires collaboration between child welfare and mental health staff, service providers, and community tribal partners working with the children, youth, and families. It articulates a family-centered approach that is intended to improve coordination and collaboration among mental health, child welfare, and children and families involved with the child welfare system who have mental health needs.