Client Rights


Clients receiving behavioral health services have legal rights, including the right to express their concerns about the type and delivery of their services. Clients of Siskiyou County Behavioral Health Services or one of its providers are entitled to: 

  • Respectful treatment, with due consideration for their dignity and privacy;
  • Services provided in a safe, caring environment;
  • Informed consent to treatment and to prescribed medications, including potential side effects;
  • Confidential care and record keeping;
  • Request a specific provider, a change of provider, a second opinion or a change in level of care;
  • Be free from any form of restraint or seclusion used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience or retaliation;
  • Participate in planning their treatment and decisions regarding their health care, including the right to refuse treatment;
  • Request access to their health records, to receive a copy if they wish, and to request that their records be amended or corrected;
  • File a grievance about any issue pertaining to their care and treatment or appeal a decision to deny, change, reduce or terminate their services;
  • Request the assistance or presence of the Patients’ Rights Advocate or representative of their choice at any time during the grievance process;
  • File a request for a State Fair Hearing if not satisfied after using the Behavioral Health Plan’s appeals process; and
  • Authorize any person to act on their behalf during the grievance, appeal or State Fair Hearing process.

If you need information about resolving problems call 841-4100 to speak to a Behavioral Health staff member.