Local Responsibility Area Fire Hazard Severity Zones – Public Comment Period – NOW OPEN
Invitation for Public Comment: The County of Siskiyou has opened a public comment period for the public to review and provide comments on the Fire Hazard Severity Zone’s jurisdiction within the County of Siskiyou. Comments are due April 2, 2025 by 5:00 PM, Pacific Standard Time.
In accordance with State Code Section 51178, the State Fire Marshall is required to identify levels of fire hazard, referred to as Fire Hazard Severity Zone’s (FHSZ), throughout the State of California. According to CAL FIRE, FHSZ’s are classified by the State Fire Marshall and “embrace relatively homogeneous lands and shall be based on fuel loading, slope, fire weather, and other relevant factors present, including areas where winds have been identified by the department as a major cause of wildfire spread. Government Code 51178; The State Fire Marshal shall identify areas in the state as moderate, high, and very high fire hazard severity zones based on consistent statewide criteria and based on the severity of fire hazard that is expected to prevail in those areas. Moderate, high, and very high fire hazard severity zones shall be based on fuel loading, slope, fire weather, and other relevant factors including areas where winds have been identified by the Office of the State Fire Marshal as a major cause of wildfire spread.” (from CAL FIRE Frequently Asked Questions)
On February 10, 2025, Siskiyou County, as a Local Responsibility Area for the areas within the jurisdiction of the County, received notice from the State Fire Marshall on the FHSZ’s identified in Siskiyou County. In accordance with Government Code Sections 51178.5, Siskiyou County is required to make the information available to the public for comment. An LRA is an area where the local government is responsible for wildfire protection.
- Government Code 51178.5: Within 30 days after receiving a transmittal from the State Fire Marshal that identifies fire hazard severity zones pursuant to Section 51178, a local agency shall make the information available for public review and comment. The information shall be presented in a format that is understandable and accessible to the general public, including, but not limited to, maps.
In addition, Siskiyou County, in accordance with Government Code Section 51179, must designate, by ordinance, moderate, high, and very high FHSZ’s. It is important to note that the County, through its adoption of an ordinance, may choose to increase the designation of a FHSZ from the FHSZ identified by the State Fire Marshal, or designate areas as having a FHSZ that were not designated in a FHSZ by the State Fire Marshal. However, the County is “not allowed to reduce the designation of a FHSZ classification from the State Fire Marshal (i.e. a local agency cannot make an area designated as High by the State Fire Marshal, Moderate in its adopted ordinance) {emphasis added].” (CAL FIRE’s FHSZ’s Factsheet Flipbook).
- If Siskiyou County decides to increase the designation of a FHSZ as identified by the State Fire Marshall, we must do the following:
- If increasing the designation to Very High, a local agency must make a finding supported by substantial evidence in the record that the requirements of Government Code section 51182 are necessary for effective fire protection.
- If increasing the designation to Moderate or High, a local agency may do this at its discretion.
How to Comment:
In accordance with Government Code Section 51178.5, the County has opened a public comment period for the public to review and provide comments on the Fire Hazard Severity Zone’s within the jurisdiction of the County of Siskiyou. Comments are due April 2, 2025 by 5:00 PM, Pacific Standard Time.
Fire Hazard Severity Zones Map
When providing comments, we strongly encourage commenters to provide identifying details if comments are specific to an area of the FHSZ map (i.e., address, data points, map image (map image may be a screenshot or in pdf format). Commenters should also provide justification if their comments are focused on increasing the FHSZ of a given area. General comments on FHSZ’s within the jurisdiction of Siskiyou County are also welcome.
Comments can be submitted via email a Siskiyoufhsz_comments@co.siskiyou.ca.us or by mail at:
Siskiyou County Administration
ATTN: FHSZ Comment Period
1312 Fairlane Road, Suite 1
Yreka, CA 96097.
Questions may be directed via email to: Siskiyoufhsz_comments@co.siskiyou.ca.us or by phone to Elizabeth Nielsen, Deputy County Administrator (530) 842-8012.
Please provide your name, business affiliation (if appropriate), and contact information when commenting or submitting questions during the comment period.
Public Resources:
Fire Hazard Severity Zone Interactive Map
LRA FHSZ - Access Map
CAL FIRE Frequently Asked Questions
2024 FHSZ FAQs (December 18 2024) ENGLISH
CAL FIRE Fire Hazard Severity Zone Webpage
Fire Hazard Severity Zones | OSFM
CAL FIRE Fire Hazard Severity Zone Factpage Flipbook