General Plan Update - Public Review Draft Background Report Available Now
The Background Report provides a comprehensive summary of current trends and conditions in Siskiyou County. The Report provides a detailed description of a range of topics and decision-makers, residents, and public agencies with context for the draft 2050 General Plan policies. The Background Report also serves as the Environmental Setting section of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the General Plan Update. The Siskiyou County 2050 General Plan Background Report includes the following chapters:
- Introduction
- Land Use
- Population, Employment, and Housing
- Economic and Market Analysis
- Circulation and Transportation
- Biological Resources
- Cultural Resources
- Public Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure
- Safety and Hazards (including Geology, Noise, and Air Quality)
- Hydrology and Water Quality
The Background Report will be available for public review through June 30th, 2024. To submit comments, please use the green "comments" button on the right side of this page, or email your comments to