CEQA - California Environmental Quality Act Filings
Effective January 1, 2024, The County Clerk's Office is responsible for posting California Environmental Quality Act Fillings (CEQA) as a result of SB 69. As such. the filings posted on this page are not in an accessible format.
Supporting Documents
CEQA Filing - City of Dorris Circulation, Noise and Open Space and Conservation Elements Updates (923 KB)
CEQA Filing - Shasta Valley RCD-Siskiyou Land Trust Wildlife Habitat Restoration on working lands (1 MB)
CEQA Filing - Siskiyou County Groundwater Well Application Process Informational Guidelines 2024 (7 MB)
CEQA Filing - CIty of Dorris Well Deepening -Small Community Drought Relief (Vera Cruz Macdoel) (1 MB)
CEQA Filing - CIty of Dorris Well Deepening -Small Community Drought Relief (Main Street Macdoel) (1 MB)
CEQA Filing - CIty of Dorris Well Deepening -Small Community Drought Relief (Sleepy Hollow Dorris) (1 MB)
Contact Information
Laura Bynum, County Clerk-Registrar of Voters
Office Hours:
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 - 4 :00 p.m. Monday through Friday
311 Fourth Street. Room 201
Yreka, CA 96097
Phone: 530-842-8084
Fax: 530-841-4110
e-mail: clerk.registrar@sisqvotes.org