Klamath Basin Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Study Community Meetings

Scott River Image

The Yurok Tribe and the San Francisco District, US Army Corps of Engineers, (USACE) are partnering to study and develop an ecosystem restoration project inthe Klamath Basin.

The team will identify opportunities and goals for a healthy Klamath River and its tributaries, within the Upper-Mid Klamath, Scott River, andShasta River sub-basins in CA, to the CA/OR state line.

Community Engagement Meetings:
-Tuesday, March 4th – 11 AM*
Karuk Tribe Housing Authority; 1836 Apsuun Way, Yreka, CA

- Tuesday, March 4th – 6 PM*
Karuk Tribe Housing Authority; 1836 Apsuun Way, Yreka, CA

- Wednesday, March 5th – 11 AM
Pithvuyram Center; 64236 Second Ave., Happy Camp, CA 96039

- Wednesday, March 5th – 6 PM
Etna City Hall; 442 Main St., Etna, CA 96027

*Virtual participation available. Please contact Alexis (Lexi) Karon atAlexis.K.Karon@usace.army.mil and Dylan Aubrey at DAubrey@yuroktribe.nsn.us to get involved

The Yurok Tribe and USACE are leading the study. Regional partners, such as local tribes, government agencies, and NGO entities, have an important role to play. These meetings will serve as the project’s required National Environmental Policy Act Scoping Meeting.

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Klamath Basin Community Meeting Flyer_PNG