RFP - Planning Project: High Mountain Lakes Repair to Enhance Flows for Salmonids in the Scott River System
The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) issued an award to the County of Siskiyou to perform work as described in Exhibit A, Planning Project: High Mountain Lakes Repair to Enhance Flows for Salmonids in the Scott River System. In addition, The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has committed to providing technical and scientific assistance and support as part of the planning study.
The successful proposer will perform the more complex work in developing a planning study on the repair and use of the High Mountain Lakes for in-stream flow benefits. At a glance the planning study will analyze the on-the-ground work needed to establish and/or repair reservoirs, determining the storage capacity of the reservoirs, the direct and indirect in-stream benefits from these reservoirs, the mechanism/ability to ensure that the maximum amount of flows as possible make their way to and through the Scott River main stem, researching authorization needed to establish and/or repair the reservoirs, and the cost of restoring and utilizing the reservoirs, among others. Work would also include researching and documenting what environmental compliance would be required to repair the High Mountain Lakes. There will be outreach efforts to inform the public of the project, obtain historical knowledge from various stakeholders, and garner public interest.
We are also seeking for the selected proposer to assist the County in outreach efforts to gain broader support of restoring the High Mountain Lakes, if such restoration is deemed feasible.