Pesticide Use
The Pesticide regulations of California require safe, responsible handling of pesticides from the time of purchase through transportation, storage, usage and disposal. The enforcement of the regulations by this department applies to all agricultural, non-agricultural and structural usage.
This program provides the following:
- Protection to the environment, public and the employees of businesses that handle pesticides.
- Ensure that regulations are being complied with by tracking the type, amount, and location where the pesticides are being used.
- Ensure that that licensed applicators, dealers and advisors are in compliance with all legal requirements.
- Worker Health and Safety inspections, as well as crop sampling for pesticide residue analysis.
- Investigate Pesticide complaints
We believe that training and education in the safe use of pesticides are key factors in eliminating regulatory violations, which benefits everyone.
To report a pesticide issue contact the Agriculture Commissioner’s office at 530-841-4025.