Plans and Specifications
General Requirements
Plans shall be black or blue line. Please avoid any “added” changes in ink or pencil. All pages should be the same size (18”x24” min.), the plans must be drawn to scale and clearly indicate the location and scope of work proposed. All plans must be signed by the person who is responsible for the plans. The plans must clearly show how the structure is to be constructed, as well as all pertinent code requirements.
Plans and related documents are always submitted in identical sets and include but are not limited to the following:
- A plot plan with elevations. True north is 18 degrees west of magnetic north and is always at the top of the plot plan unless otherwise depicted. (See example)
- Floor plan depicting doors, windows, and floor coverings by area. (See example in Resource Center)
- The foundation plan shall depict and specify materials, reinforcement, elevations, and soil conditions. (See example in Resource Center)
- Floor framing or typical slab details including insulation, ventilation, and under floor access. (See example in Resource Center)
- A structural plan shall depict and specify materials, spacing and size of members, connectors, engineering calculations with referenced soils investigation report when required by the Business and Profession Code. Summary of applicable sections of the B & P Code is a part of this booklet.
- * Electrical plan and specifications required for all of the electrical equipment, such as service entrance, lights, switches, receptacles, timers, etc. Specify the wiring method and materials. Calculations and diagrams are not required for residential services of 200 amperes or less.
- * Plumbing plan and specifications required for sewer, building drains, water (hot and cold), gas, fixture types and locations.
- Energy compliance forms.
* Single Family Dwellings may include requirements on floor plan.
Note: The plans, specifications, calculations, reports, and other required documentation shall be signed by the particular person responsible for their preparation. All plans and documents other than those exempted by the State Architect and Engineers Act must be prepared and signed by a California Licensed preparer.
Requirement and Specs
- Residential no more than two units or two stories and townhouses of not more than two stores
- Residential accessory structures of not more than two stories and 3,000 sq. ft. in floor area
2 sets of plans
Must be prepared, signed, and stamped by a licensed person if the limitations of the California Residential Code are exceeded
3. Agricultural Structures
2 sets of plans
Must be prepared, signed and stamped by a licensed person
4. Multiple Family - Three or more units
5. Commercial or Assembly - less than 50
3 sets of plans
Must be prepared, signed and stamped by a licensed person
6. Commercial with Hazardous Materials
7. Assembly - 50 or more
8. All Others
4 sets of plans
Must be prepared, signed and stamped by a licensed person.