Hazardous Materials Management (CUPA)
The Hazardous Materials Management Group implements the Unified Program (UP), at the local government level pursuant to Title 27 § 15110(a)(2). Siskiyou County Environmental Health Division of the Community Development Department became the Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) on January 1, 1997. The Environmental Health Division is certified by the Cal/EPA Secretary to implement the Unified Program specified by Health and Safety Code § 25404(a)(1)(A), within Siskiyou County.
Senate Bill 1082 (Chapter 418, Statutes of 1993) created the Unified Program (UP) to consolidate, coordinate, and make consistent the administrative requirements, permits, inspections and enforcement activities, and fees for the program elements detailed below.
Siskiyou County Environmental Health is responsible for responding to incidents involving any release or threatened release of hazardous materials. Threats to people, property and the environment are assessed, and then remedial action procedures are conducted under the supervision of an Registered Environmental Health Specialist.
Any questions regarding this program may be directed to the division by e-mailing ehpermittech@co.siskiyou.ca.us or calling 530-841-2117.
PLEASE NOTE: Household hazardous waste disposal questions are handled by Sanitation. See the Recycling page.