Solid Waste Program
The Siskiyou County Division of Environmental Health was designated by the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) as the Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) for Siskiyou County in its entirety on April 14, 1992.
LEA responsibilities include the inspection of the many closed landfills and Siskiyou County transfer stations which are located in Yreka, Mt. Shasta, Tulelake and Happy Camp. The LEA is also an educational resource for individuals and business entities for the proper methods for handling and disposing of solid waste. Solid waste is nonhazardous, non-liquid waste and includes garbage, compostable materials, and construction and demolition debris.
Handling Considerations
Public and environmental health considerations of solid waste handling are:
- Control of vectors (potential disease-carrying animals such as rats, mice, flies, and mosquitoes)
- Control of public safety and health nuisances (fires, odors, dust, bear, and bird attraction)
- Prevention of ground and surface water contamination
- Maximize Recycling (to minimize landfilled waste and save money)